Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Afternoon!

Ah, Sunday!  No set plans.  My dad coming over for coffee.  Other than that, the day is mine!  Okay, who stole my day?  I was busy all day but didn't get a whole lot accomplished.  I need to order a new canopy for our gazebo and for my dad's.   I must have searched for about an hour for a good website then muddled through to figure out which size and style I needed.  Nothing was exact.  Then I called Joe and he said we still had the old ripped one at the storage unit.  He brought it home-dirty and disgusting.  I'll take it outside tomorrow to see if I can find the style number.  Hopefully that will help.  It did waste most of my afternoon.  I did get my feathered star quilt pinned.  Finally!  

Close up of one of the stars

Stars on my island

I'm so glad I have a large kitchen island!  The perfect place to pin my quilts.

Now I need to quilt it-hopefully by year end.  It's relatively small but I do want to quilt it heavily.  I'm going to try to hand quilt at least an hour every evening I'm home.  The key word is "try".  So I started tonight.

Hand quilting the central feathered wreath.  
It just occurred to me.  I've got a lot of "feathers" going on here!  Maybe I'll incorporate that in the name of the quilt!

Got to get back to my quilting!

Happy Stitching!

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