I finally got my Ohio Star done!!! It's over quilted. I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to try all sorts of fillers in every area! I'M NUTS! But it's done-quilted and bound! Now, will I ever teach this class again so I can use it as an example? I don't know.
So now I get to start a new one! I've been dying to try a "Disappearing Nine Patch". I have 3 charm packs-Moda's "Fresh Air" from when I was working at the quilt store. I recently purchased 2 beige charm packs from Craftsy's deal of the day. I started by sewing pairs together-print to beige.
Print-Beige-Print |
I then sewed the third charm on, alternating print-beige-print, beige-print-beige then another print-beige-print for each block.
Beige-Print-Print |
I then sewed the strips into 9 Patches.
Pair of 2" squares used |
2"pair used as an ender. |

I am starting to do the Bonnie Hunter "Leaders and Enders". I have started cutting my scraps in strips, 2", 2.5" and 5" squares. I am currently using 2" squares as my leaders and enders. As I start chain piecing I put a 2" pair together before I start the chain. When I come to the end of the chain I pair up another 2" squares and sew about 3/4 of the way through, cut off the chain and cut the pieces apart throwing the first 2" set into a basket. I will then get my next chain together to stitch and the "ender" will become an "leader. Before too long I will have a whole bunch of pairs to sew together for a scrappy quilt. I'm not exactly sure of what I'm going to do but I am trying to use up my scraps. I've been pinning ideas onto a Pintrest board.
2" squares ready to be used as "leaders/enders" |
Back to the Disappearing 9 Patch. I press the blocks-setting the stitches-
Then pressing flat.
Completed 9 patch.
I then cut the 9 patch in half!

Then I cut it in half horizontally giving me 4 new blocks.
I'm having trouble getting the pictures and text where I want them. Computer gremlins! Now it can't find the completed top! I will post it later today or tomorrow.
Until then,
Happy Stitching!
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