Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Picture Day

Right now I don't have any customer quilts to do so I came up with a plan to finish some of MY quilts.  Some of them I finished YEARS ago.  Some I just didn't know how I wanted to quilt them or wasn't confident enough to tackle them.  Well, and unfinished quilt is just pieces of fabric sewn together!

First, I realized I hadn't taken a picture of the latest charity quilt I quilted. 
Oooopps!  I didn't turn the photo! 
 The border

 A line of mussels
 Mussels and feathers
 Mussels and swirls
 Ocean waves
 Straight lines.  I like this more than I thought I would!

 I should photograph all the charity quilts I do.

I also photographed my UFO's to be quilted.  I just ordered 8 X 10 prints so I can put them in a plastic sleeve and play with quilting designs.  Some I know what I want to do and others are going to require a bit of thought.  I'll post pictures as I finish them.

Happy Stitching!

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