Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Finish One, Begin Another!P

 I finally got my Ohio Star done!!!  It's over quilted.  I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to try all sorts of fillers in every area!  I'M NUTS!  But it's done-quilted and bound!  Now, will I ever teach this class again so I can use it as an example?  I don't know.

So now I get to start a new one!  I've been dying to try a "Disappearing Nine Patch".  I have 3 charm packs-Moda's "Fresh Air" from when I was working at the quilt store.  I recently purchased 2 beige charm packs from Craftsy's deal of the day.  I started by sewing pairs together-print to beige.


I then sewed the third charm on, alternating print-beige-print, beige-print-beige then another print-beige-print for each block.


 I then sewed the strips into 9 Patches.
Pair of 2" squares used
2"pair used as an ender.
 I am starting to do the Bonnie Hunter "Leaders and Enders".  I have started cutting my scraps in strips, 2", 2.5" and 5" squares.  I am currently using 2" squares as my leaders and enders.  As I start chain piecing I put a 2" pair together before I start the chain.  When I come to the end of the chain I pair up another 2" squares and sew about 3/4 of the way through, cut off the chain and cut the pieces apart throwing the first 2" set into a basket.  I will then get my next chain together to stitch and the "ender" will become an "leader.  Before too long I will have a whole bunch of pairs to sew together for a scrappy quilt.  I'm not exactly sure of what I'm going to do but I am trying to use up my scraps.  I've been pinning ideas onto a Pintrest board.
2" squares ready to be used as "leaders/enders"
Back to the Disappearing 9 Patch.  I press the blocks-setting the stitches-

Then pressing flat.

 Completed 9 patch.

I then cut the 9 patch in half!

Then I cut it in half horizontally giving me 4 new blocks.

 I'm having trouble getting the pictures and text where I want them.  Computer gremlins!  Now it can't find the completed top!  I will post it later today or tomorrow.

Until then,
Happy Stitching!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

This is a Test!

This is just a test! I figured out how to post from my phone(I hope)! I don't always take my computer when I travel and this way I can try to post more often.

Just got back from a memorial service in Florida and this time I brought along my English paper piece stars. Long story short-our original flight through Atlanta was delayed to the point where we were going to miss our connection. The flight attendant was great and was able to get us on a direct flight. On top of that, the gate agent upgraded us! We got in later than anticipated (11 pm) but we didn't need to race through the airport to make a connection like we did on the way home. Anyway, I had time to sew while waiting for our flight.

We're home for a while after a month of travel. I'm tired and looking forward to getting back into a routine.

I hope this test works.

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Travel Boredom!

Today has turned out to be a really goofy kind of day.  We were booked on the red-eye home back to Michigan but Joe had called yesterday to see if he could get us moved up to an earlier flight.  The person on the phone said the plane was wide open and we could save some major bucks by making the change 3 hours before the earlier flight was to take off.  Great!  Joe had a conference call scheduled for 12:00 and the call needed to happen at 12:48 so I was going to take care of it.  As I stated before, I planned to go to the Seattle Space Needle this morning when it opened at 9 so I'd have plenty of time to look around and make it back to the hotel in time.  I should have known the best laid plans don't always come to fruition when the day began in a deep fog-the weather, not me!  I spent the morning replacing the points on my Indian Star quilt with the plan of doing the outline embroidery at the airport and/or on the plane.  Joe's conference call went well and he finished early so he made the call to the airline.  I'm glad he did because I don't think I would have handled things as calmly as he did.  Long story short, the plane was sold out!  REALLY!!!  When we checked yesterday there were all sorts of empty seats.  I'm thinking a flight from Asia arrived late and they had to put people who missed their connections on the 3:48 flight.  At least we have seats in an exit row so we will be able to stretch our legs.

But back to why I'm so bored.  My family likes to tease me that I spend more time planning the projects I am going to take on vacation than I do my wardrobe!  I knew this trip was going to be jam-packed so I just packed my Indian Star  Needle threaded and ready to start I have a creative surge!  I'm thinking I want to outline the star elements with sparkly gold embroidery thread instead of black.  Great.  4 hours to kill before our red-eye flight and I have no handwork!  I ALWAYS pack 2 projects and end up barely doing one so I thought I'd save some room on my carry-on and only packed the one! I do have a book but I'm in a creative mood-which has not happened a lot lately.

I think I'll do a few jigsaw puzzles on my computer then dive into the book.

Hope everyone's day has had more creative time than I have!

Happy Stitching!

Vacation Time!

 It's been a busy few weeks with LOTS of travel.  I'll try not to bore you TOO much.  On the quilting front, I gave my nephews their quilts!

They loved them!  Their mom said they slept with them all of vacation!  They leave for school in a few weeks and hopefully the quilts will go with them.
We took my 90 year old father with us to Cape Cod for Joe's family reunion.  Joe and I drove and met my dad's flight in Boston.  He had a great time!  He made index cards with everyone's names (Joe has 7 siblings) with their spouses and children's names!  He later went around and got everyone's address and phone numbers.
 Every year we do a big family picture and our little group went to "The Squire", a local bar, for a pre-picture beer!

 And here's the whole group!

After a week of fun we drove home (Dad flew) for less than a week.  Joe had a conference in Seattle and I tagged along to explore!  What a great town!  We didn't have a car but it was alright because I walked all over!
Today's my last day in Seattle.  We are scheduled to take the red-eye back to Michigan but are going to try to get on an earlier flight.  My plan was to go to the Space Needle early and be back at the hotel room by noon. 
One look out the window changed my plans.  I'm relaxing in the room doing some handwork.  Hopefully we can get on that earlier flight so I can sleep in my own bed tonight!

Happy Stitching!