I've had laryngitis the past few days. Just a bit of a sore throat but it's frustrating! The phone has been ringing off the hook and I dare not return phone calls yet because they would think they are getting an obscene phone call! "What are you wearing?" Tee Hee!
As promised, here's a picture of my new toy!
Did a little work on my Lotus temple. I came up with a new method for marking and sewing on my foundation. I'll take pictures and post them tomorrow. I'm doing a complicated block right now that I had to cut into 3 pieces to assemble it. It's supposed to be rainy this weekend so I should get a lot done. I'd like to get this top done soon as I have 2 tee shirt quilts for my nephews who are graduating this year and a baby quilt for my trainer to complete all before we go to the Cape in July. Not to mention all the other UFO's I've told myself I'm going to finish before year end! And golf starts. And taking my Dad to Denver. And Bryn graduating from college in Boston. And Joe's brother's wedding reception in Cali in June. I need a glass of wine just thinking about all of this.
After all, "It's Friday somewhere!"
Happy Stitching!
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